France Gagnon


France has enjoyed the Lac-Tremblant region since her childhood. One of her most cherished childhood memories is hiking through the wilderness to Bear Falls on the Cachée River. France is a retired lawyer, having spent her career working in legal services for the Government of Quebec

Russell Goodman


Russell is a full time resident of Lac-Tremblant-Nord. He and his family have been in the Lac Tremblant area for two generations. Russell is a CPA, having spent his career in finance. However, his passion is the outdoors, whether hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, kayaking, running or cycling.

Steve Zimmermann


Steve has been coming to the Lac Tremblant area for several decades and has a year-round residence in Baie des Ours. Steve and his family are volunteers in developing and maintaining hiking, snowshoeing and cross country ski trails. He and his family are also owners of a successful custom steel fabrication business.